Happy New Year 2024! Choose Card #1 (Left), Card #2 (Center) or Card #3 (Right) or all three for your personal messages to find out what needs to be worked on and released for this new year.
1/1/24- Reveal: Card #1 Surrender Fear- “Let go of the fearful stories you are telling yourself. Stay in the moment. Focus on solutions and celebrate every baby step forward.” Also, you are enough, observe and address any fears that may arise, allow healing, choose love over fear, fear comes from the ego, only love is real. Open your heart to new love in all forms as this will attract new beginnings based in love, peace and truth. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” Quote from George Addair Card#2- Surrender Low Self-Esteem- “You deserve success, love, and abundance. Set an intention to identify and release any remnants of low self-esteem.” Take time to address any old emotional negative patterns that stem from your childhood, seek professional help if necessary and remember you are not your past or the old stories or negative thoughts that may bring up feelings of inadequacy and fears of not being good enough etc… Be mindful of your thought process, words and how you communicate to yourself and others. Remember you are worthy and deserving of peace, love abundance and prosperity in all forms. “Self worth comes from one thing, thinking that you are worthy.” Quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer Card #3- Surrender to Your Full Power- Your life is calling for you to step into your full power rather than “playing it small.” It’s time to look at areas of your life where you have been “playing it small” start by identifying which areas of your life are out of balance, especially on an emotional or mental level. Don’t take on more than you can handle, it’s o.k. to say no when necessary, use discernment and set healthy boundaries which demonstrates self respect. You may come up against resistance from others that may not agree with your choices, agree to disagree for this leaves you feeling at peace and helps to minimize conflicts. What institutions, teachers, traditions or mentors resonate with you? It can change over time as you have changed, we all change over time, it’s all part of the life experience and their is no wrong answer; it’s doing what you feel is best for you. Align with your truth as this reflects your soul desires; be the leader of your own life. Speaking your truth from love will help you take back your personal power in a positive and uplifting way that benefits you and inspires others as well. “By surrendering you create an energy field of receptivity for a solution to appear.” Quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Messages for 12/28 and 12/29- The messages from Spirit remind us that we are still in the Full Moon energies of Cancer so lingering heavy and intense emotions and heightened sensitivity are still prevalent; be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Fears coming from our ego can be clouding our judgement and visions when faced with making decisions or choices concerning forward movement. Do not make decisions in haste rather step back and see things from truth and love. Connect with Spirit and your angelic team to gain truth, clarity and insight. ❤️As we move toward the end of the 2023; take action steps to let go of emotional baggage and relationships that are not serving you; align with your authenticity and integrity, focus on your passions and creativity and how they can serve you in 2024, seek new creative outlets and work with like minded people. Affirmation: “I am acting on insights. I move through life with ease and grace.” Love & Blessings, Christine
Messages for 12/28 and 12/29- The messages from Spirit remind us that we are still in the Full Moon energies of Cancer so lingering heavy and intense emotions and heightened sensitivity are still prevalent; be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Fears coming from our ego can be clouding our judgement and visions when faced with making decisions or choices concerning forward movement. Do not make decisions in haste rather step back and see things from truth and love. Connect with Spirit and your angelic team to gain truth, clarity and insight. ❤️As we move toward the end of the 2023; take action steps to let go of emotional baggage and relationships that are not serving you; align with your authenticity and integrity, focus on your passions and creativity and how they can serve you in 2024, seek new creative outlets and work with like minded people. Affirmation: “I am acting on insights. I move through life with ease and grace.” Love & Blessings, Christine |
AuthorWelcome to my Blog, my name is Christine Halliwell, ATP and Psychic Medium. Here is where I will post messages from Spirit using angel oracle and tarot cards along with other metaphysical topics. Archives
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