Messages for Week of Monday, March 27, 2023- Keywords: Trust, strategy, patience, balance, new perspective, sacrifice, practicality, logic, decisions, wisdom, grace. “Should I stay (in the past) or should I go” (to try something new) is a message that came through from Spirit and the angelic realm in regards to the energies for this week.
Summary: The main message coming through for this week is about trusting ourselves, being practical, strategizing our plans on what we want to change, create and manifest. Archangel Sammael is helping us to clear out negative energies from our lower chakras (first- Base, second- Sacral, and third- personal power) which stem from old emotional negative patterns. Something has to give, in other words, a sacrifice will have to be made in order to create room for new love in all forms to enter our life. What you let go of will be replaced with something better. Choose harmonious responses, act with wisdom and grace. As you move forward, be honest with yourself and others, remain authentic, be mindful of your communication, being truthful will cut through any confusion resulting in positive resolutions based in peace and love. Peace comes from remembering only love is real. ❤️Beginning of the week- King of Pentacles and Ask- This is a good time to make practical decisions based in truth, be logical, this also can lead to adding more structure in your life which will aid in strategizing your next move or which plan or direction do you wish to pursue. Ask Spirit for whatever you need and be open to receiving love and assistance in all forms; allow Spirit to lead and guide you on your next moves, have faith and trust in yourself that all will unfold in Divine timing. Be patient, stay the course, their is no need to rush or force anything, take one step at a time. ❤️Middle of the Week- The Hanging Man and Law of Attraction-This is a time to pause, step back and see things from a different perspective. Sometimes we get so caught up in situations and our day to day life we forget that their is a bigger picture than what we are seeing. By being the observer, you are better able to see yourself, situations and relationships with a new understanding based in truth and love; this will help break any habits or negative behavioral patterns that are hindering you from moving forward. It also helps you see things coming from your higher self rather than your ego setting your mind free from of self imposed limitations or restrictions. Law of Attraction- Remember your thoughts create your reality; align your thoughts with your authenticity, keep your vibration high, avoid naysayers, drama and negativity. You may also receive clarity and insight you were seeking which will assist you in making healthy positive changes. Choose love over fear. Your animal spirit guides are willing to assist you as well, call on them for assistance. (They are in the picture on the Law of Attraction card). The sacrifice you make will create room for new love in all forms to come into your life. ❤️End of the Week- The Fool and What Do You Desire- What is it that you truly desire? Once you have clarity, take the next action step and move forward. Remember to stay grounded, centered and balanced. Don’t get caught up in all the “what if’s” and over analyzing everything etc…enjoy the process and the journey, have fun pursing your heart desires. Remember you always have a choice and can always choose whatever direction you wish making necessary adjustments along the way. Explore new options, express you gifts and talents with your creativity and passion. Yes, there will be new challenges as with all new beginnings. Remember your prior experiences are integrated into your inner wisdom aiding you on your new path to help you overcome any challenges. Shine your light and express you uniqueness! Share your gifts with the world for you have much to offer. Love & Blessings, Christine
Messages for Tuesday, March 7, 2023- Full Moon in Virgo- The energies of this full moon center around our health and healing on all levels, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. Self care is essential. Be practical, use discernment, ground your energy and set healthy boundaries. This will provide clarity which aligns with our truth, moving forward with integrity and self respect.
❤️#20 Truth- Be honest with yourself and weigh your options about what you want to change, create or manifest. Clear out the old before moving forward and make decisions based in truth and love, not fears and deceptions. “Doing so will enable you to forgive, accept, and heal so you can move forward in a balanced, spiritual mindset.” ❤️Don’t let fears from the past hinder you from embracing your authenticity, pursing your dreams and moving forward. Indecision from old emotional negative patterns, acting in haste from the ego, and listening to people who give you wrongful advice create unnecessary fears and anxieties causing illusions of being trapped and stuck. ❤️You always have a choice. Set your mind free, give yourself permission to be the person you want to be, not what others expect you to be. ❤️Remember to be open minded and flexible, trust in yourself, your intuition and Spirit and the angelic realm to guide you; knowing your highest good will manifest in Divine timing. Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for March 1, 2023- The messages from Spirit remind us to reflect on what areas of our life needs change, choose love over fear. Use your personal power to restore balance and harmony. Make healthy positive changes, steer your life in a direction that mirrors your authenticity.
❤️Embrace creative pursuits that bring you peace, love, happiness, joy and prosperity. Use your creativity to work on current or new projects that reflect your passions and authenticity. Don’t be afraid to shine your light and express who you truly are; a beautiful soul with a Divine purpose to help, inspire and uplift others through gifts and talents you have been given from Spirit. Be proud of who you are what you have achieved and accomplished in the past! You are an extension of Spirit and a channel for divine expression and creativity of love. ❤️Allow Spirit to lead and let things unfold naturally. Let go of scarcity and lack mentality. Enjoy the process and be in the moment. You’re on the right path and being divinely guided. Love & Blessings, Christine |
AuthorWelcome to my Blog, my name is Christine Halliwell, ATP and Psychic Medium. Here is where I will post messages from Spirit using angel oracle and tarot cards along with other metaphysical topics. Archives
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