Messages for Monday December 26, 2022- The messages from Spirit remind us to take time for ourselves, contemplate on what we want to leave behind, what are we taking forward in the new year? See the bigger picture and broaden your horizons. What new foundations of love do you want to change, create or manifest? A cycle has ended, using your passions & creativity will bring in new ideas and inspirations, what legacy do you want leave behind? It’s a time of immense change, Spirit and the angelic realm are guiding and supporting all of us, have faith and trust. This a time of clearing out the old and preparing for new love in all forms. Archangel Raphael is working with us by sending healing energy of unconditional love and compassion as we go through the process of forgiveness of self and others. Value yourself, be open to receiving and remember to be kind and gentle with yourself. Love & Blessings, Christine 😊🕊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️🌠🦋
Messages for Wednesday, December 21, 2022- Happy Winter Solstice-This is the shortest day of the year and known as the rebirth of the sun. As we celebrate the increase of light into our days, it is also a good time to love, nurture and embrace the light within ourselves so it can grow and shine even brighter. It's also a good time to reflect on what we want to let go of and leave behind so we can prepare for what we want to manfiest for the New Year.
❤️#5 Healing- This message from Spirit reminds us that healing is taking place when we have requested it; take some time for yourself today, quiet your mind and go within, give yourself permission to let go of what is not in your highest good so it can be replaced with unconditional love, compassion and peace; allow healing, this will also assist with inner child healing. Be kind and gentle with yourself, all of this creates room for new love in all forms to manifest. Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Monday, December 12, 2022- The messages from Spirit remind us that as clear away what is no longer in our highest good and allow healing, new ideas and inspirations will flow through from Spirit and the angelic realm. Ground your energy, nurture your creativity and passions, take practical action steps so you can start to create new foundations based in love and truth. Don’t get caught up in all the “hows” and over analyzing things, just enjoy what your heart is leading you to do, the rest will take care of itself. What you have learned from the past is integrated in your inner wisdom.
❤️Take time to play with new ideas, tap into your creativity and passions, allow yourself to have fun, discover new love in all forms and explore endless possibilities as this will keep you in the present moment. You don’t have to commit to anything right now; be open to what comes your way, use your personal power and discernment. This is all part of a new path you will be forging as this year draws to a close and a new year begins. Trust and have faith in Spirit that all your needs will be met along the way. You’re on the right path and being divinely guided. Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Wednesday, December 7, 2022- 🌕Full Moon in ♊️Gemini- Full moons are a time of endings, completion and manifestations. This Full Moon in Gemini (which is an air sign and is about communication) will encourage us to communicate our true hearts desires, and this communication can occur in all forms, especially with the use of modern technology. Be mindful and use your words to communicate in ways that are empowering, uplifting and encouraging, and most importantly convey love in all forms for any area of your life you wish to change, create or manifest.
❤️Spirit reminds us not to get caught up in thinking too much and over analyzing situations that are challenging. Do not put your energies into fear and negativity, channel any frustrations into breaking through fears, worries and anxieties, put your energy into being of service, creative projects and making healthy positive changes. Give any fears or doubts over to Spirit, Archangel Michael and your spiritual team, allow healing, have compassion for yourself and others. Have faith and trust and most importantly, "believe" in yourself. Don't believe everything you “think” and don’t let naysayers or skeptics hinder you. Listen to your heart and trust your intuition. ❤️It may be difficult to leave the past behind and move forward; but remember to only take the lessons and love, leave the rest behind. Use your personal power from love to make healthy positive changes and move forward to embrace new love in all forms. Be the “magician” of your own life, co-create with Spirit the life your heart desires. ❤️River of Blessings- Releasing Constraints- Affirmation: “I release attachment and restriction. I am blessed and purified, ready to receive the ever expanding value flowing into my life.” Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Sunday, December 4, 2022- The messages from Spirit remind us not to overthink or be too consumed with how future plans will manifest into reality. Too much thinking leads to unnecessary worry, take one step at a time and allow things to unfold naturally. Remember to listen to your inner voice, take time to go within and connect with Spirit. Don’t give into drama. Choose your battles wisely, is it worth it? Remain authentic, stand your ground and speak your truth from love. If you have been resisting change due to fear of the unknown; you may find that old emotional negative patterns from the past are resurfacing causing inner conflict and which are actually a reflection of you fighting yourself.
❤️This is a time to pause, step back and see things from a different perspective. Trust your inner knowingness, trust and listen to your intuition. Connect with Mother Nature, allow healing, ground your energy to shift your focus on solutions instead of the problem. Sometimes we get so caught up in situations and our day to day life we forget that their is a bigger picture than what we are seeing. By being the observer, you are better able to see yourself, situations and relationships with a new understanding. It also helps you see things coming from your higher self rather than your ego. You may also get new clarity and insight you were seeking which will assist you in making healthy positive changes. Love & Blessings, Christine 😊🕊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️🦋🌠 Messages for Sunday, December 4, 2022- The messages from Spirit remind us not to overthink or be too consumed with how future plans will manifest into reality. Too much thinking leads to unnecessary worry, take one step at a time and allow things to unfold naturally. Remember to listen to your inner voice, take time to go within and connect with Spirit. Don’t give into drama. Choose your battles wisely, is it worth it? Remain authentic, stand your ground and speak your truth from love. If you have been resisting change due to fear of the unknown; you may find that old emotional negative patterns from the past are resurfacing causing inner conflict and which are actually a reflection of you fighting yourself. ❤️This is a time to pause, step back and see things from a different perspective. Trust your inner knowingness, trust and listen to your intuition. Connect with Mother Nature, allow healing, ground your energy to shift your focus on solutions instead of the problem. Sometimes we get so caught up in situations and our day to day life we forget that their is a bigger picture than what we are seeing. By being the observer, you are better able to see yourself, situations and relationships with a new understanding. It also helps you see things coming from your higher self rather than your ego. You may also get new clarity and insight you were seeking which will assist you in making healthy positive changes. Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Wednesday, November 30, 2022- #25 METAMORPHOSIS- “You are in the process of deep and beautiful change." “If you are to transform from one form to another, a part of you needs to die.” This is a confirmation from Spirit that you are going through a time of deep personal transformation, symbolized by the butterflies. It hasn't been easy at times and may have experienced some losses, but realize what you are letting go of has served its purpose. It will be replaced with new and better things and relationships that are in your highest good. You are in a process of change, immense spiritual growth and energy shifts that will assist you as you emerge into a new and beautiful version of your authentic self. Go with the flow of energies, let go of fears, low self-worth and low self esteem, let go of dreams and relationships that no longer serve you, let go of unhealthy habits and addictions that are draining your personal power and energy. Allow Spirit and your angelic team to lead and trust what you are willing to release will be replaced with something or someone better.
❤️Open your heart and mind to new love in all forms. Listen to your heart and trust your intuition. Remember to stay grounded and nurture yourself along the way. “You’ll reach deep inside to a reservoirs of strength you didn’t know you had. This strength is both peaceful and powerful, and it helps you learn new life lessons, as well as let go of old pain and forgive your past.” Give yourself permission to allow the old to die, allow healing and the new to come in; you’re the one you have been waiting for so embrace your authenticity and shine your light so others will be inspired by your example and leadership of love in all forms. The number 25 in angel numbers mean: "Have faith that your life is changing for the best. You and your loved ones are safe and protected throughout these changes.” Love & Blessings, Christine |
AuthorWelcome to my Blog, my name is Christine Halliwell, ATP and Psychic Medium. Here is where I will post messages from Spirit using angel oracle and tarot cards along with other metaphysical topics. Archives
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