Messages for Sunday, August 4, 2024- #NewMooninLeo- “A time of Awakening” Today we have a New Moon in Leo which focuses on creating and expressing ourselves from the heart, embrace the fiery creative energy of this new moon. Leo is the astrological sign of courage, confidence, leadership, creativity and entertainment. Set new intentions; embrace your passions and things that resonate with your authenticity. Allow healing, move forward with renewed faith, trust and confidence in yourself, it’s time to take the lead and do what your heart and soul desire!
❤️The King of Wands reminds us to embrace our passions and desires coming from the heart, take charge and be the leader of your own life, lead by example that is based in truth, love and peace. Embark on a new area of study that reflects your authenticity, passions and creativity. Be proud of who you are and don’t dim your light to fit in with others who don’t have your best intentions at heart! Stay authentic, shine and share your gifts with the world! Love & Blessings, Christine ***Note: @spiritconnections_official is my only Instagram account.***
Messages for Tuesday, July 2, 2024- This week we may be feeling nostalgic about the past in regard to relationships of all types and situations or projects that may not have come to fruition. Take time for yourself to heal, contemplate, reflect on what worked and what didn’t work, take only the lessons and love and leave the rest behind. Don’t take on other people’s problems or trauma. Remember the past is to learn from, you are not your past. Lying to create false truths to yourself and others causes illusions and deception from the ego and leads down a path of making unhealthy choices on all levels, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.
💚The Devil card (which is also our #tarot card for the month of July) reminds us to to break free of old emotional negative patterns, trauma, facades and addictions, this includes co-dependency, seek professional help if necessary. Lean on Spirit, your angelic team, friends and family you trust. Be an active participant in your own personal healing by self nurturing, self love and self care. ❤️It’s time to take practical action steps to co-create with Spirit the life our heart desires. Does our actions align with our truth, values or belief system or are we disempowering ourselves by doing what others want for us? You always have a choice regardless of the situation. Be unapologetically you and move forward embracing your passions. Their is no rush, what is meant for you will not pass you by. You are being divinely guided, believe in yourself and go with the flow instead of resisting change which will only keep you stuck in a mental prison. Stay present, be in the moment, that’s where personal power will be. Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Monday, April 8, 2024- New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries ♈️- “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson. These energies can feel intense at times as we release old identity’s and facades to fully embrace our authenticity; maintain truth and integrity. Avoid drama, negativity, naysayers and being impulsive. Channel any frustration or anxiety into creative projects and focus on solutions instead of problems or challenges. Use this fiery energy to break free from old emotional negative patterns, be unapologetically you!
❤️Use the fiery energy of Aries to create your heart desires from love. Take one step at a time, stay present, maintain trust & faith all will work out in your highest good and for all involved. The energies of this new moon include passion, courage, motivation, leadership, action oriented, creativity and ambition. ❤️ The Queen of Pentacles reminds to be creative, resourceful and makes logical and practical decisions that benefit ourselves and others in many ways that will manifest in the highest good on the earth plane. It’s time to invest in yourself and co-create with Spirit the life your heart desires. Stay focused and in the present moment, connect with Mother Nature to clear stagnant energy, this helps with gratitude and appreciation for all that you have in your life. Nurture your intentions that mirror your authenticity. Have faith and trust, believe that things in your highest good and for all involved will manifest in divine timing. Seek additional resources that can aid you on what you want to change, create or manifest. Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Sunday, March 10, 2024- New Moon in Pisces- Spirit is asking us to go within and connect with our spirituality to manifest our dreams and visions based in truth and love which create new foundations in our life reflecting our authenticity, values and personal belief system.
❤️What is your dream, what are you passionate about, what fills your heart with a sense of joy, peace, happiness and being of service to Spirit and others? Their is no wrong answer, their is no perfect time and you do not have to figure it all out; take action steps and allow Spirit and the angelic realm to guide you. Do what you feel is best for you and remember with the Law of free will you can always change your mind and direction. Set new intentions, explore possibilities and go in the direction your heart and soul are calling for you to do; the possibilities are endless. ❤️What is the advice from Spirit? Make healthy positive changes and start by letting go of the past, old emotional negative patterns and negative judgements and criticisms of yourself and others. Let go of relationships and situations that no longer serve you and have become toxic. Allow healing, forgiveness of yourself and others so you may be a peace in heart and mind so you can focus on creating the life your heart desires. ❤️Affirmation: “I live my passion and as I do so I follow my soul’s true journey, adding my unique contribution to this world. By so doing I help to change it for the better.” Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Thursday, January 25, 2024- ♌️ Full Moon in Leo- “Remind yourself that you can not fail at being yourself.”~(Quote-Dr. Wayne Dyer) This energy is emphasizing creativity, courage, self-expression and stepping up to be the leader of our own life. ❤️The messages from Spirit remind us to willingly release what is not serving us to create room for new opportunities. It’s time to take back your personal power. Where or to whom are we giving our personal power away? Look within your heart for the answers, connect with Spirit and your angelic team through prayer and meditation for divine guidance. Let go of facades and drop the masks that is hiding your authentic self. Take responsibility and accountability for your own life; this restores your integrity and self respect which will be reflected back to you. The truth will always set you free and leave your feeling at peace within yourself. Embrace your unique authentic self as this restores your faith, hope and trust in your dreams and visions.
❤️Doing self care and allowing healing will help you focus on the love within yourself which assists in healing and empowers your inner strength. This restores peace, balance and harmony in your life as you move forward making decisions and choices that reflect your authenticity. Love & Blessings, Christine Happy New Year 2024! Choose Card #1 (Left), Card #2 (Center) or Card #3 (Right) or all three for your personal messages to find out what needs to be worked on and released for this new year.
1/1/24- Reveal: Card #1 Surrender Fear- “Let go of the fearful stories you are telling yourself. Stay in the moment. Focus on solutions and celebrate every baby step forward.” Also, you are enough, observe and address any fears that may arise, allow healing, choose love over fear, fear comes from the ego, only love is real. Open your heart to new love in all forms as this will attract new beginnings based in love, peace and truth. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” Quote from George Addair Card#2- Surrender Low Self-Esteem- “You deserve success, love, and abundance. Set an intention to identify and release any remnants of low self-esteem.” Take time to address any old emotional negative patterns that stem from your childhood, seek professional help if necessary and remember you are not your past or the old stories or negative thoughts that may bring up feelings of inadequacy and fears of not being good enough etc… Be mindful of your thought process, words and how you communicate to yourself and others. Remember you are worthy and deserving of peace, love abundance and prosperity in all forms. “Self worth comes from one thing, thinking that you are worthy.” Quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer Card #3- Surrender to Your Full Power- Your life is calling for you to step into your full power rather than “playing it small.” It’s time to look at areas of your life where you have been “playing it small” start by identifying which areas of your life are out of balance, especially on an emotional or mental level. Don’t take on more than you can handle, it’s o.k. to say no when necessary, use discernment and set healthy boundaries which demonstrates self respect. You may come up against resistance from others that may not agree with your choices, agree to disagree for this leaves you feeling at peace and helps to minimize conflicts. What institutions, teachers, traditions or mentors resonate with you? It can change over time as you have changed, we all change over time, it’s all part of the life experience and their is no wrong answer; it’s doing what you feel is best for you. Align with your truth as this reflects your soul desires; be the leader of your own life. Speaking your truth from love will help you take back your personal power in a positive and uplifting way that benefits you and inspires others as well. “By surrendering you create an energy field of receptivity for a solution to appear.” Quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer. Messages for 12/28 and 12/29- The messages from Spirit remind us that we are still in the Full Moon energies of Cancer so lingering heavy and intense emotions and heightened sensitivity are still prevalent; be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Fears coming from our ego can be clouding our judgement and visions when faced with making decisions or choices concerning forward movement. Do not make decisions in haste rather step back and see things from truth and love. Connect with Spirit and your angelic team to gain truth, clarity and insight. ❤️As we move toward the end of the 2023; take action steps to let go of emotional baggage and relationships that are not serving you; align with your authenticity and integrity, focus on your passions and creativity and how they can serve you in 2024, seek new creative outlets and work with like minded people. Affirmation: “I am acting on insights. I move through life with ease and grace.” Love & Blessings, Christine
Messages for 12/28 and 12/29- The messages from Spirit remind us that we are still in the Full Moon energies of Cancer so lingering heavy and intense emotions and heightened sensitivity are still prevalent; be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Fears coming from our ego can be clouding our judgement and visions when faced with making decisions or choices concerning forward movement. Do not make decisions in haste rather step back and see things from truth and love. Connect with Spirit and your angelic team to gain truth, clarity and insight. ❤️As we move toward the end of the 2023; take action steps to let go of emotional baggage and relationships that are not serving you; align with your authenticity and integrity, focus on your passions and creativity and how they can serve you in 2024, seek new creative outlets and work with like minded people. Affirmation: “I am acting on insights. I move through life with ease and grace.” Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Monday, November 27, 2023- Full Moon in Gemini- This Full Moon in Gemini (which is an air sign) will encourage us to reflect on the relationships and unions and partnerships we have with others including ourselves. Let go of all types of relationships that are not in your highest good, allow healing to restore inner peace.
❤️Be honest, truthful and communicate clearly from your heart. Open your heart and mind to compassion, unconditional love and forgiveness. Be mindful of your thoughts and words, especially the ones you use for yourself, use words to communicate in positive ways that are empowering, uplifting and encouraging, most importantly convey love in all forms in any area of your life you wish to change, create or manifest. ❤️Make time for yourself, go within to get clarity on what choices you want to make that will empower and uplift your vibration which will realign you with your authentic self. It’s time to face your shadow side (fears) that are holding you back. Stand your ground if necessary and communicate your feelings from truth and love as this clears up misunderstandings. As you realign with your authentic self, this restores harmony with the divine masculine and divine feminine within yourself; then you can see situations and relationships with new clarity and insight making informed decisions and choices based in truth. ❤️Affirmation- “I am acting on inspirations and insights. I move through life with ease and grace.” Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️ Messages from Spirit for November 2023- take time to go within, connect with Spirit through prayer and meditation, go deeper within your emotions to gain clarity and insight. This month is a time of #metamorphosis “you are in the process of deep and beautiful change” a time of healing, it’s time to let go of what is not serving you, this includes low self worth and low self value. #Trust in the Unknown” #Surrender to Spirit allow assistance from Spirit and the angelic realm and be open to help on the earth plane to make healthy positive changes to move on from emotional baggage from the past. Have compassion for yourself; self care and gratitude will assist in rising above challenges to see situations from love, not fear. Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️
Messages for Saturday, October 28, 2023- The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus bring in energies related to how we value ourselves in relation to love, money and prosperity.
❤️Take time to reflect on all that you have achieved, honor all acknowledge all you have done and be proud of your achievements of all kinds. Move forward with authenticity and integrity, raise your standards, do not settle or compromise your self worth and self value. Make choices from love not fear and trust your intuition. ❤️ The Skull of Flowers “illustrates that there is sureness yet a rawness to creating again, to start afresh. Sometimes the universe gives us a blank slate to work on, so we can build on what we really want, rather than just settling for less. The skull of flowers celebrates not just Phoenix energy, but an energy of success and full bloom through adversity.” ❤️Raising Your Standards- The messages from Spirit remind us to let go of what no longer serves us; heal any emotional wounds related to low self worth, self esteem and lack mentality which are based in lack of self love and self value. This can lead to self sabotage of not feeling good enough and not feeling worthy of love in all forms. What you resists persists. The fear you project creates energy blocks and limitations leaving you with feelings of frustration and staying in old emotional negative patterns that can become toxic and do not serve you. Forgive yourself and others in exchange for inner peace, allow healing, take the lessons and love, leave the rest behind. Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️ |
AuthorWelcome to my Blog, my name is Christine Halliwell, ATP and Psychic Medium. Here is where I will post messages from Spirit using angel oracle and tarot cards along with other metaphysical topics. Archives
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