Messages for 12/28 and 12/29- The messages from Spirit remind us that we are still in the Full Moon energies of Cancer so lingering heavy and intense emotions and heightened sensitivity are still prevalent; be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Fears coming from our ego can be clouding our judgement and visions when faced with making decisions or choices concerning forward movement. Do not make decisions in haste rather step back and see things from truth and love. Connect with Spirit and your angelic team to gain truth, clarity and insight. ❤️As we move toward the end of the 2023; take action steps to let go of emotional baggage and relationships that are not serving you; align with your authenticity and integrity, focus on your passions and creativity and how they can serve you in 2024, seek new creative outlets and work with like minded people. Affirmation: “I am acting on insights. I move through life with ease and grace.” Love & Blessings, Christine
Messages for 12/28 and 12/29- The messages from Spirit remind us that we are still in the Full Moon energies of Cancer so lingering heavy and intense emotions and heightened sensitivity are still prevalent; be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Fears coming from our ego can be clouding our judgement and visions when faced with making decisions or choices concerning forward movement. Do not make decisions in haste rather step back and see things from truth and love. Connect with Spirit and your angelic team to gain truth, clarity and insight. ❤️As we move toward the end of the 2023; take action steps to let go of emotional baggage and relationships that are not serving you; align with your authenticity and integrity, focus on your passions and creativity and how they can serve you in 2024, seek new creative outlets and work with like minded people. Affirmation: “I am acting on insights. I move through life with ease and grace.” Love & Blessings, Christine
Messages for Monday, November 27, 2023- Full Moon in Gemini- This Full Moon in Gemini (which is an air sign) will encourage us to reflect on the relationships and unions and partnerships we have with others including ourselves. Let go of all types of relationships that are not in your highest good, allow healing to restore inner peace.
❤️Be honest, truthful and communicate clearly from your heart. Open your heart and mind to compassion, unconditional love and forgiveness. Be mindful of your thoughts and words, especially the ones you use for yourself, use words to communicate in positive ways that are empowering, uplifting and encouraging, most importantly convey love in all forms in any area of your life you wish to change, create or manifest. ❤️Make time for yourself, go within to get clarity on what choices you want to make that will empower and uplift your vibration which will realign you with your authentic self. It’s time to face your shadow side (fears) that are holding you back. Stand your ground if necessary and communicate your feelings from truth and love as this clears up misunderstandings. As you realign with your authentic self, this restores harmony with the divine masculine and divine feminine within yourself; then you can see situations and relationships with new clarity and insight making informed decisions and choices based in truth. ❤️Affirmation- “I am acting on inspirations and insights. I move through life with ease and grace.” Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️ Messages from Spirit for November 2023- take time to go within, connect with Spirit through prayer and meditation, go deeper within your emotions to gain clarity and insight. This month is a time of #metamorphosis “you are in the process of deep and beautiful change” a time of healing, it’s time to let go of what is not serving you, this includes low self worth and low self value. #Trust in the Unknown” #Surrender to Spirit allow assistance from Spirit and the angelic realm and be open to help on the earth plane to make healthy positive changes to move on from emotional baggage from the past. Have compassion for yourself; self care and gratitude will assist in rising above challenges to see situations from love, not fear. Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️
Messages for Saturday, October 28, 2023- The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus bring in energies related to how we value ourselves in relation to love, money and prosperity.
❤️Take time to reflect on all that you have achieved, honor all acknowledge all you have done and be proud of your achievements of all kinds. Move forward with authenticity and integrity, raise your standards, do not settle or compromise your self worth and self value. Make choices from love not fear and trust your intuition. ❤️ The Skull of Flowers “illustrates that there is sureness yet a rawness to creating again, to start afresh. Sometimes the universe gives us a blank slate to work on, so we can build on what we really want, rather than just settling for less. The skull of flowers celebrates not just Phoenix energy, but an energy of success and full bloom through adversity.” ❤️Raising Your Standards- The messages from Spirit remind us to let go of what no longer serves us; heal any emotional wounds related to low self worth, self esteem and lack mentality which are based in lack of self love and self value. This can lead to self sabotage of not feeling good enough and not feeling worthy of love in all forms. What you resists persists. The fear you project creates energy blocks and limitations leaving you with feelings of frustration and staying in old emotional negative patterns that can become toxic and do not serve you. Forgive yourself and others in exchange for inner peace, allow healing, take the lessons and love, leave the rest behind. Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️ Messages for Tuesday, October 24, 2023- “We may not wish to delve there, the shadows, the darkness, the unknown. Yet when we search, we reveal and our power, it has grown.” (Quote from the Halloween Oracle deck, Skull of Darkness (Blind spots) card. ❤️The messages from Spirit remind us to honor and acknowledge all of our feelings and emotions, especially the ones we tend to ignore due to past hurt, pain and suffering. Be kind, caring and compassionate with yourself. You’re undergoing a deep personal transformation, do not fear this change as it will align you with your authentic self as you let go of what is not serving you, it’s time to address emotional burdens you have been carrying for quite some time.
💚Where is your focus? Unnecessary fears and illusions stemming from unresolved issues of the past create energy blocks and self sabotage. This hinders you from moving forward on your life path. 💚It’s time to go within and do inner work (including forgiveness of yourself and others so you can regain your inner peace.) Trust your intuition. Allowing yourself to grieve, let go of guilt, anger, unforgiveness, resentment, envy, bitterness and shame, allow healing so you can set your mind and heart free from past hurts. Acting from self sabotage will be your downfall as you will miss out on new love in all forms. I’m receiving the message to “look deeper” into those experiences that left you feeling in a victim mode due to betrayal and abandonment so you can embrace the truth and allow healing, self forgiveness and compassion. Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️ Messages for Friday, September 29, 2023- Full Moon in Aries- “If you want to see change, start within yourself.” The Full Moon in Aries will illuminate the areas of your life where you need to restore integrity with yourself and with others. Endings are the start of new beginnings, this is a time of completion, reflect on the blessings and lessons you have learned as it will serve you moving forward. If things are falling apart, they have served its purpose, remember to see the truth for clarity and insight; hanging on to the past only keeps you stuck in a mental and emotional rut. Let go of negative judgements of yourself and others, surrender relationships that are toxic and not serving you, allow healing to assist in forgiveness of self and others creating room for new love in all forms to manifest.
🔥This fiery energy will motivate us to take action steps to make healthy positive changes with the relationship with ourself and others, take charge of your own life instead of conforming to other peoples beliefs and ideology that don’t resonate with your authenticity and integrity. Be mindful of where you are placing and projecting your energy, time and resources; use this energy to create and mend, not destroy. ❤️Cultivate relationships and make decisions that empower and support you. This will lead to renewed levels of self confidence coming from your personal power and restoring integrity and emotional balance on what mirrors your authenticity. Surrender any drama associated with unbalanced relationships. Their is no need to take rash actions as this will lead to unwanted outcomes, regret and loss. Take time to reflect on the relationship with yourself first, admit the truth and act accordingly so you can have clarity to mend relationships with others leading to restored balance and inner peace. Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️ Messages for Wednesday, August 16, 2023- “Time to Shine” Today we have a New Moon in Leo which focuses on creating and expressing ourselves from the heart, embrace the fiery creative energy of this new moon. Leo is the astrological sign of courage, leadership, creativity and entertainment. Set new intentions; embrace your passions and things that resonate with your authenticity; move forward with renewed faith, trust and confidence in yourself, it’s time to take the lead and do what your heart and soul desire. If you’re not sure which direction to take, go within and listen to your heart, allow Spirit and your angelic team to work through you as you co-create the life your heart desires. Let your heart lead the way in all areas of your life, set healthy boundaries and do not compromise your integrity!
❤️8 of pentacles- It’s time to focus on you and what you truly want to or pursue in your life. Do not put your energies into fear and negativity, don’t over commit, channel any frustrations into breaking through fears, worries and anxieties, put your energy into being of service, creative projects and making healthy positive changes. Take one step at a time, remain grounded and centered. ❤️The King of Wands reminds us to embrace our passions and desires coming from the heart, take charge and be the leader of your own life, lead by example that is based in truth, love and peace. Be proud of who you are and don’t dim your light to fit in with others who don’t have your best intentions at heart! Stay authentic, shine and share your gifts with the world! Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Sunday, August 6, 2023- The messages from Spirit remind us to stay in the present moment and focus on creativity and passion, things that bring you joy and happiness and keeps you in the present moment allowing you to rise above problems to gain truth, clarity and insight. This also leads to contentment bringing up feelings of gratitude and thankfulness.
Creative Expression- This message is a reminder for you to use some form of creativity to express your emotions and feelings. Singing, dancing, writing/playing music, art, photography, dance etc... are just some forms of creativity, choose a form you are drawn to; this will also help you be more open to receiving messages from Spirit and the angelic realm. Creative expression makes you feel alive and excited, assists with healing and reignites passion toward your life." This is a message for you to delve into different areas of creative expression to assist you in current creative projects and reignite your passions. It doesn't matter what it is, what matters is that you have enjoy it and the process; and it will also lift any mental blocks. You will gain new insights, ideas and inspirations that will assist you in moving forward on your life path. Also, this helps to nurture your inner child. Their are limitless possibilities, let your heart and mind be open receiving; and call on your angelic team for anything you need. The affirmation with this card: "I am a highly creative and artistic person. I now allow this side of myself to be expressed." Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Monday, July 17, 2023-New Moon in Cancer- Cancer is ruled by the moon and relates to areas of security, home, foundation of the self, motherhood, ancestors, culture and our emotional states. It’s important to nurture ourselves, pay attention to our intuition, emotions and take time to go within and get in touch with your deepest feelings. Don’t be afraid of feelings that are uncomfortable, observe them, admit the truth about this feelings, what is it telling you? Allow yourself to feel and let those feelings flow through you. Truth brings clarity and awareness. This process may bring up issues that need to be resolved whether it’s from your past, childhood, family memories or what is currently transpiring in your life. Allow healing, honor and trust your feelings; it will reveal things about yourself which assist in self discovery. This is part of your personal and spiritual transformation.
❤️This new moon in Cancer energy will encourage us to reflect on our home and family (this can be biological or what you consider to be your “family” such as close friends etc…) environment. Are their reconciliations that need to be made, what changes can you make to promote a harmonious environment where you feel at home? Do you want to create a new vision for your home or family lifestyle? Change is coming, go with the flow and be open to love in all forms. Listen to your heart, be compassionate with yourself and others, communicate your truth from love, trust your intuition. Remember the saying, “home is where the heart is.” It’s time to come home to yourself so you can make healthy positive changes and move forward on your life path. Love & Blessings, Christine Messages for Monday, July 3, 2023- Full Moon in Capricorn- This full moon is all about grounding our energies and using practicality as we are rebuilding and creating new areas of our life.
The Sun in Cancer is about honoring our emotions but also leaving room to make practical decisions that are based in logic and truth. You always have a choice, choose love over fear. ❤️The messages from Spirit remind us not to overextend ourselves on all levels, make healthy positive changes that restore balance and harmony in your life and reflect your authenticity. Doing things the same old ways will not get you new results; the answers you seek are within yourself. Do what make you happy instead of pleasing others. Learn to trust your own inner wisdom instead of listening to your ego where you end up lying and deceiving yourself because of fear. ❤️Listen to your heart and trust your intuition. Spirit is your partner, you don’t have to do everything yourself. Go within and develop your relationship with Spirit first, allow healing, all other relationships will fall into place coming from love and truth. Give your worries, cares and burdens to Spirit, surrender, let it go and take care of yourself on all levels. What is meant to fall away will be replace with someone or something better. Trust and have faith that all new beginnings will work out in your highest good and in divine timing. Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️🦋 |
AuthorWelcome to my Blog, my name is Christine Halliwell, ATP and Psychic Medium. Here is where I will post messages from Spirit using angel oracle and tarot cards along with other metaphysical topics. Archives
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