Messages for Monday, July 17, 2023-New Moon in Cancer- Cancer is ruled by the moon and relates to areas of security, home, foundation of the self, motherhood, ancestors, culture and our emotional states. It’s important to nurture ourselves, pay attention to our intuition, emotions and take time to go within and get in touch with your deepest feelings. Don’t be afraid of feelings that are uncomfortable, observe them, admit the truth about this feelings, what is it telling you? Allow yourself to feel and let those feelings flow through you. Truth brings clarity and awareness. This process may bring up issues that need to be resolved whether it’s from your past, childhood, family memories or what is currently transpiring in your life. Allow healing, honor and trust your feelings; it will reveal things about yourself which assist in self discovery. This is part of your personal and spiritual transformation.
❤️This new moon in Cancer energy will encourage us to reflect on our home and family (this can be biological or what you consider to be your “family” such as close friends etc…) environment. Are their reconciliations that need to be made, what changes can you make to promote a harmonious environment where you feel at home? Do you want to create a new vision for your home or family lifestyle? Change is coming, go with the flow and be open to love in all forms. Listen to your heart, be compassionate with yourself and others, communicate your truth from love, trust your intuition. Remember the saying, “home is where the heart is.” It’s time to come home to yourself so you can make healthy positive changes and move forward on your life path. Love & Blessings, Christine
Messages for Monday, July 3, 2023- Full Moon in Capricorn- This full moon is all about grounding our energies and using practicality as we are rebuilding and creating new areas of our life.
The Sun in Cancer is about honoring our emotions but also leaving room to make practical decisions that are based in logic and truth. You always have a choice, choose love over fear. ❤️The messages from Spirit remind us not to overextend ourselves on all levels, make healthy positive changes that restore balance and harmony in your life and reflect your authenticity. Doing things the same old ways will not get you new results; the answers you seek are within yourself. Do what make you happy instead of pleasing others. Learn to trust your own inner wisdom instead of listening to your ego where you end up lying and deceiving yourself because of fear. ❤️Listen to your heart and trust your intuition. Spirit is your partner, you don’t have to do everything yourself. Go within and develop your relationship with Spirit first, allow healing, all other relationships will fall into place coming from love and truth. Give your worries, cares and burdens to Spirit, surrender, let it go and take care of yourself on all levels. What is meant to fall away will be replace with someone or something better. Trust and have faith that all new beginnings will work out in your highest good and in divine timing. Love & Blessings, Christine 🕊😊🙏🏻❤️💚🌹🌈☮️🦋 |
AuthorWelcome to my Blog, my name is Christine Halliwell, ATP and Psychic Medium. Here is where I will post messages from Spirit using angel oracle and tarot cards along with other metaphysical topics. Archives
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